

Check out our services


Eramute ehitus

Soovid endale uut kodu – eramaja maale või linna. Nõustame ja leiame koostöös parimad ehituslahendused.

Korterite remont

Planeerid teha oma korteris kergremonti või muuta kogu korteri üldilmet. Võtke kontakti meie ettevõttega. Pakume sobivaimat remondilahendust.


Vannitubade remont

Teostame erinevaid sanitaartehnilisi remonditöid vannitoas ning WC-s. Üheskoos leiame parima ruumikujunduse ja valime kvaliteetsed materjalid.



Teostame erinevaid viimistlustöid nii algusjärgus ehitisel kui ka poolelioleval objektil. Üheskoos valime parimad teostusmaterjalid just Sulle sobivas hinnaklassis.



Tapeet on tagasi! Aitame kliendil leida valitud ruumi sobivaima tapeedi, et lõpptulemus oleks kaunis ja moodne.



Teostame plaatimistöid kiirelt ja kvaliteetselt. Austame erisoove. Üheskoos saavutame plaatimist vajavas ruumis parima tulemuse.


Bareljeef ja dekoratiivvärvid-krohvid

Erinevate reljeefsete pindade korral tuleb lähtuda algsest pinnast ja selle töötlusest. Meie spetsialistid oskavad soovitada parima lahenduse. Koostöös tellijaga valime teostusmaterjalid.

For clients

Construction of private houses

You are looking for a new home – a private house in the countryside or in the city. We will advise you and work with you to find the best construction solutions.
For clients

Apartment renovation

You are planning to make light renovations to your apartment or change the overall look of the apartment. Contact our company. We offer the most suitable repair solution.

For clients

Bathroom renovation

We carry out various sanitary renovation works in bathrooms and toilets. Together, we will find the best interior design and choose the best materials.

For clients


We carry out a variety of finishing work, both in the early stages of construction and on a project in progress. Together, we will choose the best materials in the right price range for you.

For clients


The wallpaper is back! We help our clients to find the most suitable wallpaper for their chosen space, so that the end result is beautiful and modern.

For clients


We carry out tiling work quickly and to a high standard. We respect special wishes. Together, we can achieve the best result in a space that needs tiling.

For clients

Beadboard and decorative paints-plasters

In the case of different embossed surfaces, the original surface and its treatment must be taken into account. Our specialists can recommend the best solution. In cooperation with the client, we select the materials.


Kergseinte ehitus

Ehitame kergseinu nii elu- kui kõrvalhoonetes.
Kergseina asukoha, materjali valiku ja kõik muud detailid kooskõlastame töö tellijaga. Ettevõtte poolt pakume parimaid lahendusi töö teostamiseks.



Tänapäeval on väga erinevaid krohvimisvõimalusi. Tähtis on lõpptulemus – et viimistletud pind oleks kaunis ja hiljem ei praguneks. Meie ehitajad teevad koostööd spetsialistidega, et valida etteantud pinnale parim teostus.



Viimistlemine on kergesti teostatav, kui kogu objekt on meie firma ehitatud. Varasema ehitise ümberviimistlemisel lähtume algselt kasutatud materjalidest. Teeme omapoolsed ettepanekud, et koostöös tellijaga saavutada kvaliteetne lõpptulemus.



Plaatimisvõimalusi on erinevaid: põrandad, seinad, laed – kõiki ruumisiseseid pindu on võimalik katta plaatidega. Ehitusturul olevast
plaatide sortimendist leiame üheskoos neist kõige sobilikumad.


Parketi paigaldus

Parketti paigaldades arvestame ruumi kasutuse ja temperatuuriga. Parketimaterjali valik on väga mitmekesine ja arvestada tuleb nii ruumide käidavuse kui põrandaküttega. Aitame teha optimaalseima valiku ja teostame selle kvaliteetseimal moel.

For the main contractor

Construction of lightweight walls

We build lightweight walls in both residential and outbuildings.
The location of the lightweight wall, the choice of materials and all other details are agreed with the client. On the company side, we offer the best solutions to get the job done.

For the main contractor


There are a wide variety of plastering options available today. The end result is important – that the finished surface looks beautiful and doesn’t crack afterwards. Our builders work together with specialists to choose the best solution for the given surface.

For the main contractor


Finishing is easily feasible if the entire object is built by our company. When retrofitting a previous building, we will use the materials originally used. We will make our own suggestions to achieve a high quality end result in cooperation with the client.

For the main contractor


There are different tiling options: floors, walls, ceilings – all interior surfaces can be tiled. From the construction market
together we will find the most suitable ones from our range of tiles.

For the main contractor

Parquet installation

When installing parquet flooring, we take into account the use and temperature of the room. The choice of parquet material is very varied and you need to take into account both the room’s walkability and underfloor heating. We help you make the optimal choice and deliver it with the highest quality.